"The Pouting Prophet and God's Mercy for All," a series by Dr. Matt Thornton through the book of Jonah.
To try and play a game of hide-and-seek with the Almighty, all-seeing, all-powerful God of the universe is futile. However, the pouting prophet of God named Jonah did just that. When God called Jonah to preach to an enemy city, Jonah ran in the opposite direction. Still, even amidst such a terrible example is Jonah, there is a marvelous example of God's sovereignty over the entire earth.
During a mighty and tempestuous storm that batters the ship by which Jonah has fled, even Jonah himself is recorded as telling the sailors that God made the land and the sea. In just the first chapter, Jonah is called, he flees from the call, God pursues him, sends a mighty storm onto the sea, and Jonah asks to be thrown into the sea, then is thrown into the sea. And the most terrible thing about this is that Jonah does not do this as an act of heroism. Instead, he does this because he would rather die than repent.
Still, something remarkable happens near the end of the first chapter. Yahweh, the God of all land and the sea, uses the testimony of this disobedient prophet to turn these pagan sailors to Himself.
Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.
Painting by Sally Santoyo.
Date Recorded: 04/25/21