Jonah: The Pouting Prophet and God's Mercy for All

Selected Scriptures from Jonah, and Matthew 12.         

"The Pouting Prophet and God's Mercy for All," a series by Dr. Matt Thornton through the book of Jonah.          

In the Old Testament, there is one prophet who stands out as being rather unusual and unique in an unfortunate way. He is the prophet, Jonah. His sermon, which took a great deal of forcefulness of God to cause Jonah to preach it, is all of five words in the Hebrew language. The message contains no call to repentance but only judgment. Before his short sermon, he spent three days and three nights in the belly of a great fish. The story is very familiar to many people, but the attitude of Jonah is even more relevant than most are willing to admit. He was prejudiced and angry because of the grace of God on people who did not deserve it, which is quite appalling considering that grace from God is by its definition undeserved. Sadly, Jonah was angry when Nineveh repented and God relented of His judgment.            

Perhaps what is even sadder is the fact that some discount the story of Jonah as a fable or an allegory. However, that is ridiculous because Jesus counted it as a historical event. Jesus even said that Jonah being in the fish for three days and nights points to the Resurrection, the very foundation of the gospel. That being said, the validity of the gospel is at stake if Jonah is not a true story. The fact is, the events in the short book of Jonah did happen, and the many lessons to be learned are as relevant today as they were when Jonah was written.            

Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.            

Painting by Sally Santoyo.            

Date Recorded: 04/11/21