Three Pieces of Evidence: The Death, The Burial, and...

Selected Scriptures: John 19, Matthew 27 and 28, 1 Corinthians 15         

Without the death of Christ, there can be no resurrection of Christ. And without the resurrection, Christianity is literally pointless and foundationless. There are numerous theories about what some believe "really" happened to Jesus. Some have tried to say the disciples stole the body of Jesus, some have said Jesus never died (but fainted, or "swooned"), and some believe, including the major world religion of Islam, teach that the entire crucifixion was all an illusion. The truth of the matter is, Satan is behind every one of those ridiculous and dangerous theories.         

There is not one shred of evidence for any one of them. The fact is, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical event that even secular sources outside confirm. The only reason people do not believe in Jesus is not for a lack of evidence, but by choice. In order to deny Christ's gospel, a person must choose to do so without regard for the evidence at hand.         

But God did not leave us with evidence and head knowledge only; faith is still required. Christ died for the sins of the world, was buried, and was raised again from the dead to redeem us from sin. That belief is personal, and it must be so in order to change a life. The message of the gospel has changed lives for centuries, and it will continue to because Christians serve a risen Savior, who is in the world day. We know that He is risen, whatever men may say.         

Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker           

Archive Date: 04/04/21