The Work Of God

Ephesians 2:1-10.        

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Ephesian church, writes a plethora of important reminders – reminders to those who are already believers in Christ. There are some difficult memories of which Paul reminds the Ephesians, but he does not do so without telling them of some wonderful realities that they all have in Christ Jesus.       

Paul begins by describing the bitter place where the Ephesians once were – children of wrath, followers of Satan, sons of disobedience, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind. However, he gives them two wonderful words… “but God.” Following these two words comes some of the greatest verses about salvation in Christ in all the new testament – the fact that we are “saved by grace through faith.”        

These truths are for those who already believe, and they are given to Christians, not because Christians are necessarily unaware of them, but rather for the purpose of reminding them that this work of God and not of them. Therefore, all the praise is to His glory.       

Associate Pastor Connor Harris, Speaker.        

Archive date: 03/14/21