Be Humble

1 Peter 5:5-7.          

“Salvation, Submission, Suffering.” A Study Through the First Epistle of Peter.            

The arrogance of a prideful man is probably one of the most noticeable sins that exists. But the worry of a troubled soul is probably one of the least thought of sins - but it is still sin nonetheless. It is just as prideful to worry as it is to boast about one's own accomplishments because both fail to give God the credit He deserves. If we worry, it is because of one of two reasons (or both); either we believe we should instead have control over a situation we do not, or because we believe Almighty God is not powerful enough to handle the situation Himself. In other words, to the extent that we worry is to the extent that we lack faith in God.               

However, Peter lovingly offers Christians a wonderful solution to this pandemic of worry. We are to cast our anxieties on God. We can do this because God, the creator of all things, cares for us and loves us more deeply and fully than we could ever love ourselves. If we really do trust God with our lives, then we will not worry at all about the things in our lives.           

So ask yourself this question: "Do I trust God or do I not?"         

Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.         

Archive Date: 02/21/21