The Sovereign Judgement of the Faithful Creator

1 Peter 4:17-19.          

“Salvation, Submission, Suffering.” A Study Through the First Epistle of Peter.         

In the book of Acts, Paul encouraged the disciples of Christ by telling them that, through many trials and hardships, Christians will enter the Kingdom of God. That might seem like a strange way to encourage, but it is through enduring these difficulties and persecutions that we glorify God.          

The encouragement Peter offers in these verses to close the fourth chapter the very same encouragement, though Peter's take it another step. These early Christians, having been encouraged through all that Peter has told him, are now given one of the greatest reasons to patiently endure suffering; by awaiting the judgment upon believers and unbelievers, Because our judgment for being faithful will be nothing like the judgment on the unfaithful. While doing this, we must also commit ourselves to our faithful creator by continuing to do good even in the face of persecution.           

Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.          

Archive Date: 02/07/21