1 Peter 4:12-16.
“Salvation, Submission, Suffering.” A Study Through the First Epistle of Peter.
Such continual words on the subject of suffering might seem a bit wearing on Peter's readers, but in times like these, when being a Christian is becoming ever harder to do without persecution (even in American culture), we need reminders and encouraging words like these more and more. Peter has spoken heavily on how we are to behave in suffering, but he begins a new section with his address to his readers, "Beloved." And in this section, he discusses how we are to think in times of suffering.
First of all, we must not be surprised when suffering for being called a "Christian" comes upon us, and indeed it is inevitable if we are really living as Christ would have us live. Secondly, however, we also need to remember that the trials we face (verbal attacks, societal ostracism, etc.) make us blessed, just as Jesus Himself said. Lastly, when we suffer, it makes us more like Christ, and His purpose for our suffering is to refine us and make us better people for His Kingdom.
Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.
Archive Date: 01/31/21