Loving and Serving

1 Peter 4:7-11.         

“Salvation, Submission, Suffering.” A Study Through the First Epistle of Peter.         

Peter has discussed how Christians are to consider, behave, and interact with the outside world. Having done that, he shifts his focus to how Christians should interact with one another. When we suffer for being Christians, that is not the time for us to turn on one another, but it should be when we make the effort to love each other even more.         

As Christ said, we must love our enemies, but we must not become like them and behave like the world, because we are not of the world. But amidst the trial’s refining fire, and the suffering we endure, we must not allow that to stress us out to the point where we neglect one another, or worse, lash out at each other. If there is any time when we need one another, it is during trials. So, Peter calls upon his readers and upon us to strive for loving one another as a man strives for the finish line in a race.         

Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.            

Archive Date: 01/24/21