1 Peter 3:17-22.
“Salvation, Submission, Suffering.” A Study Through the First Epistle of Peter.
These verses in Peter’s first letter are known as some of the most challenging, the most debated, and strangest verses in all the New Testament, and certainly all of Scripture. However, through the difficulty of these verses, God’s people reading this must not lose sight of the context, which is submission to unjust suffering. Peter uses these illustrations about Noah, Baptism, and water to depict the message of Christ’s suffering (and ours) coming to an end.
Peter has written so much about suffering; the suffering of Christ, Christ's submission to unjust suffering, and our responsibility as Christians to reflect that attitude in our lives. All this talk about suffering is certainly weighty, but the good news is that the suffering is not all there is. There is so much more to come for those who have put their faith in Christ. All this is possible because Christ did not end in suffering. His suffering ended in glorious victory, and because of that, our suffering will end as well.
Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.
Archive Date: 01/10/21