The Impact of Fear

1 Peter 3:13-16.     

“Salvation, Submission, Suffering.” A Study Through the First Epistle of Peter.     

When we think of fears, we probably think of phobias and anxieties, and we might even simply consider some of them as quirks and not real fears. We might think of suffering, we might think of difficult circumstances, but one thing we probably do not think much about is the great impact that those fears have on our lives. The existence or lack of those fears can shape the way we live from day today, and if left unchecked, being afraid of the wrong things can actually hurt us.        

Peter teaches us, in the very heart of the third chapter of his first epistle, that we need not be afraid of those who persecute us for the sake of righteousness (that is, for being a Christian), but rather that we should acknowledge the holiness of Christ in our hearts instead. Not being afraid and recognizing God's holiness might seem like two completely different ideas, but they are not at all. When we fear God, when we set him apart in our hearts just as he is in reality, we are agreeing with God about who He is and about who we are. This fear of God is strengthening to the Christian's heart, because it changes the way we think about God and the way we think about our circumstances. Not only that, but it is inevitable that, when we do this, people will ask us why we have such a hopeful and positive attitude in such difficult circumstances. And for that question, we must be prepared beforehand to give an answer.

Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.     

Archive Date: 12/13/20