The Cross of Christ, the Power of God

1 Corinthians 1.       

Among the churches written to and about in the Bible, there is one which stands out as being probably the most problematic; the church at Corinth. Among the issues of this church, there was one issue that the Apostle Paul addresses first because it is the very foundation for all the rest of the problems in that church. People within the congregation began to become divided into factions primarily over certain teachers or preachers. Paul addresses this issue head-on with the challenge of the gospel. Paul says that he, as well as every other preacher who came there, came to preach one thing - the cross of Christ, which is the very power of God.       

The issue that Paul had to address is sadly a continual problem in today's Christian culture. Oftentimes, Christians can gravitate towards the men of great faith because of their great ability to handling the Word of God, or their oratory skills. While admiration for such faithful men can be a healthy thing, it is dangerous to elevate them in our hearts and minds to a point where we forget the very Christ who gave them the very abilities they have. To follow the men and not God is to ignore the cross, which is foolishness.      

Associate Pastor Doug Burch, Speaker.       

This message was recorded at North Bryant Baptist Church in February 2019.