Submission to Civil Authority

1 Peter 2:13-17.     

“Salvation, Submission, Suffering.” A Study Through the First Epistle of Peter.     

One of the hottest topics of today’s world, and especially American culture, is the subject of submission – specifically submission to human institutions that have authority given by God. Throughout Scripture, God gives examples of people who willingly submitted to civil authority as well as those who understood the one exception – when the civil authority contradicts God’s command.     

Peter says that submission to those in authority over us is one of the best examples of how Christians are to be different than the rebellious lost world. We are to submit willingly to those institutions because by doing that we are submitting to the will of our loving God. And all of this is to be done with the motivation of love for one another.     

Pastor Matt Thornton, Speaker.     

Archive Date: 10/18/20